如何讓mailscanner 不掃瞄壓縮檔?



若要修改不掃描壓縮檔請修改設定檔 /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf
# The maximum depth to which zip archives will be unpacked, to allow for
# checking filenames and filetypes within zip archives.
# Note: This setting does *not* affect virus scanning in archives at all.
# To disable this feature set this to 0.
# A common useful setting is this option = 0, and Allow Password-Protected
# Archives = no. That block password-protected archives but does not do
# any filename/filetype checks on the files within the archive.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Maximum Archive Depth = 0 (將此設定改為0就可以)

修改後要重新啟動MailScanner 服務


有利用eicar 的測試病毒檔將他壓縮為zip後,還是可以掃到病毒的

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